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The Soundtrack of Your Life: Analyzing Your 2019 Top Picks on Spotify


Updated: Dec 30, 2019

We all have a different genres of music that we listen to depending on our mood, what activity we might be involved in at the time, the people we are with, or a period in our lives that we are going through.

Just recently, Spotify came out with your individual top picks for this year. You may not think that this means anything, but deep down there is a meaning behind every song you've played, every lyric that you've danced to, and all the artists that you have deemed icons, role models, and inspirations for you.

What you may find as you dive into your own top picks of 2019!

1. You may be surprised by some of the songs that are listed or the artists that appear. But a year is a long time. You have to really think back and discover why did you listen to a specific song or artist so much. What do you feel and gain from listening to that material, and would you want to carry those songs into the coming year.

2. There are all different genres amongst your top picks.

Most likely you listen to more than one type of song. Throughout the year, artists drop new albums, friends introduce you to new sounds, and as you develop as an individual, your own taste might change based on your moods, activities, and life in general.

3. You may find that some of your top songs of 2019 match your most played songs of 2018. Music is timeless if you think about. The main idea of lyrics remains the same and we can always learn from artists experiences through their words. Whether that be to stay strong in times of trouble, let go of past drama, stick by the friends that matter, relationships sometimes suck, or that true love exists, its all in the words we hear as we plug in.

After you finish reading this article.... or when you get some free time, go and check out your top songs and think about the meaning of each one and what you've taken away from those songs. Lyrics aren't just something to keep your mind going while sitting in the car. Music can be another way of learning, growing, and expressing yourself.

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